love of one 

Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes, deeply, with complete trust, with a full heart-to-heart connection? Maybe just for a fleeting moment when your longing for full connectedness was stronger than your fear of annihilation? Where any memory of separation is wiped out so completely that it seems it never even existed? Didn’t you feel more alive in that moment, more complete, and more ‘yourself’?

And this Oneness beyond connectedness exists between everything else; you can know this by connecting your open heart with their true heart, their true essenceIn this blissful experience of Oneness beyond connectedness, ‘I’ and ‘You’, the 1st and 2nd person, simply don’t exist. Just pure being, experienced by no-one. Or, you could say: Freedom / Love experiencing itself. After the experience one might fabricate a story: that there was a separate ‘me’ and ‘you’, and that ‘we’ had a wonderful experience etc etc. But this would not be true – this is only how it appears when one starts reflecting on it after the event. Which is why ‘It’ can’t be spoken about in the 1st / 2nd person. ‘It’ is neither personal, nor impersonal – Freedom / Love simply is what ‘It’ is.

And this Oneness beyond connectedness exists between everything else; you can know this by connecting your open heart with their true heart, their true essence. All boundaries are imaginary. We tend to move through life looking at everything through the eyes of a Utilitarian (does it serve me or doesn’t it?) or a Judge (is this right or wrong? acceptable / unacceptable?). But when you start looking at life through the eyes of a Lover, you become One with everything. And you realize that this is what you have always longed for. And that this is what you have always been, always are, and always will be – it can’t be lost. And the One becomes your Beloved.

Nothing less than that can fill your inner Void.