facing the truth

One way or another, you come to face the truth: Everything you acquire is eventually lost. Everybody you hold eventually dies.

   −David Deida


Sophia said...

Everyone we love eventually dies or disappears, material objects grow worn or we lose our interest in them. Life is fleeting. Yet it is so difficult not to grow attached to people, places or things.

rudi said...

it is so difficult not to grow attached ...

Yes, but when you recognise yourself as that which is eternal, i.e. that which is not born and does not die, does not appear and disappear, and does not grow and decay, your interest in the transient and the 'fleeting' will quickly evaporate.

Sophia said...

Everytime I think I've done away with attachments and emotions, I prove myself wrong. This thing that others call the ego is strong and it fights for its life.