living in your heart

My Child,
You may read or discuss scripture
As much as you like.
But until you forget everything,
You will never live in your heart.

   −Ashtavakra Gita (16:1)  info


trinitystar said...

Forgetting everything we have been taught in scriptures ... books
our conditonings. Is not easy, yet, if we have faith that the presence of our Source is here and now somehow I guess we are moved with flow of His energy.

rudi said...

'Forgetting' simply means letting go of all understanding for just ONE moment. Then everything is experienced with child-like innocence, as if for the first time. And this includes yourself - the experience of yourself, the first time, as the Source of all, as pure energy.

Janice Thomson said...

Yes Rudi...and an experience one NEVER forgets nor are there any words to explain the awe of such an experience.

rudi said...

'No words to explain' - exactly. And yet, this blog is an attempt to do just that: to find the most simple and direct descriptions people have used throughout the ages to point to it.