root of everything

Why are you so afraid of silence,
silence is the root of everything.
If you spiral into its void
a hundred voices will thunder messages
you long to hear.

   −Mevlânâ Jelal-uddin Rumi  info


Janice Thomson said...

This is such a beautiful piece you chose Rudi. Rumi and Kabir are well read in this house.

trinitystar said...

In this place of silence ... the place of true clarity.

Rumi speaks of this place of silence. Is he referring entering this place through meditation ... or is it a place we can achieve to enter even within the moment ... when feeling love ... when we see a raindrop upon the softness of a petal. When we hear music and we are lost in each note.
Would you be so kind to expand on this. Thank you. :o)

rudi said...

You can't enter Absolute Silence or feel Absolute Love - Silence / Love is what you are, and is discovered by letting go of everything you think you are, i.e. your entire identity (which includes all your understanding and your entire belief system), for just one moment. This is such a deep letting go that it feels like the death of you: in Christian terms, the willingness to experience your death (on the cross of the sin of separate identity) paves the way to the resurrection (of your true identity): "anyone who wants to save his life shall lose it, but anyone who loses his life for my sake shall save it" (Luke 9:24); a Buddhist saying is "if you die before you die then when you die you will not die". St John of the Cross called this moment of truth
the dark night of the soul.

trinitystar said...

are we saying the mask we are carrying is the veil upon the true self ... thus by letting go ... as you say
"anyone who wants to save his life shall lose it, but anyone who loses his life for my sake shall save it" (Luke 9:24) the dark night of the soul.
I shall absorbe this for a little while.
thank you for sharing. :o)
I guess the new quote follows

rudi said...

"the mask we are carrying is the veil upon the true self ... thus by letting go ... "

Yes, behind the veil of identity, the real You ...

trinitystar said...

My heart is always with you
Love has lifted the veil called fear
I read about St John ... and his poem of Dark night of the Soul.
The union of our true love ... The Beloved.

thank you ... still absorbing and pondering on the new quote. :o)